Monday, May 3, 2021

‘Haters gon’ hate’ — dangerous times ahead

Now that Joe Biden has become president and his comprehensive “infrastructure” package will put our nation’s money where former president Donald Trump’s mouth was, benefiting probably most people, including his die-hard supporters, it would be nice if we had tranquility in Washington and elsewhere.

It would be nice, but it won’t happen because, as the saying goes, “Haters gon’ hate.”

We need to keep in mind that many of your Trump supporters never cared about policy as such — they were, and are, angry, bitter, resentful people attracted to his snarl. For the last 30 years or so politics has clearly been far less about which philosophy governs than about side is defeated — no, destroyed, out of sheer hate. Trump tapped into that contempt for anyone or anything that leaned left, not because he or anyone else was proposing any alternative. (The opposition to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law in 2010 by Barack Obama, must be placed in that context.)

But Trump’s worshipers are still trying to promote him as a messiah. One outlandish scenario has him running for Congress from Florida and, assuming that he gets elected, becoming Speaker of the House and engineering an impeachment of Joe Biden.

(It’s outlandish for two reasons: 1) Trump’s ego is way too big for him to be a “team player’ on any level; and 2) More importantly, it was God Himself who took Trump down because he tried to usurp His throne.)

That being said, let’s not be fooled. Despite his being banned from social media for his incendiary comments that violated their terms of service, he’s still a force to be reckoned with and we forget that at our peril. Moreover, his followers don’t believe at all in accommodating other views; as we saw on Jan. 6, they see compromise as surrender.

As the phrase coming from urban America goes, haters gon’ hate. And because of that, I see trouble on the horizon.

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