Kirk Franklin apparently has struck a nerve.
Three years ago, when he received a Dove Award from the
Gospel Music Association the Trinity Broadcasting Network, which televised the
show, edited out the gospel singer’s references to fellow African-Americans who
died at the hands of the police. He made a similar statement this year which
the network also excised; as a result, he said he would boycott future shows
and, if memory serves me correctly, the TBN unless the situation was rectified.
Though he said he was speaking only for himself, a number of other artists are
now following suit.
That may sound like a small thing and perhaps can be
justified by a possible “no-politics” stance by TBN, but I’m sure that the
network would allow for an anti-abortion speech.
The bigger issue, however, is that much of evangelicalism
couldn’t care less about concerns facing the African-American community; indeed,
they’re almost never addressed in Christian media, which strikes me as, at
best, insensitive. (One exception was a group of black pastors who addressed
them during an episode of “Focus on the Family” last year.) Late last year a
story in the New York Times depicted an African-American woman in Fort Worth,
Texas, who had left the largely-white megachurch where she had been worshiping
for similar reasons.
I would suggest that the failure of much of the church in
dealing with such issues is helping to maintain the racial divide that has
always existed but that hopefully had begun to close in the 1990s with the
Promise Keepers. “I don’t see any racial divide,” you might say.
Exactly. Because too many of us have lived fairly insular
lives and thus don’t have any idea how those outside our immediate community
It’s also why few blacks participate in the culture war
despite our general agreement with its goals. Probably most of us oppose
abortion and are suspicious of gay rights, but those issues aren’t literally
costing us our lives.
That’s due to a lack — perhaps more accurately, a rejection —
of a social-justice theology in evangelicalism, which ironically isolates it
from the greater society in part because it’s wrongly labeled “socialist.”
Basically, since we often don’t have a bead on what others have to deal with we
can’t empathize with them. (Ironically, we’re often the first to complain about
“persecution” when the issue is touchiness, even a touch of narcissism.)
As things stand now, I don’t see them getting any better.
Somehow we need to be willing to identify with brothers and sisters “of color,”
otherwise the Kirk Franklins of the world — and in the church — might end up
railing against us. And that’s bad for our Christian witness.