Friday, February 15, 2019

Trump the politician

When Donald Trump decided to run for president numerous people enthusiastically supported him, saying, "He's not a politician -- he says what he believes and would keep his promises because he won't owe anyone." I said from the jump, however, that he was as much a politician as anyone.

And now that he's declaring a "national emergency" in his demand for a wall along the border with Mexico, he's proving himself as such.

By numerous accounts, there is no crisis. Cities along the border are markedly safer than much of the rest of the country. Illegal immigration is as low as it has been in a decade, in large part due to stepped-up enforcement of laws already on the books plus an improving economic climate in Mexico. A recent shipment of drugs seized at the border came through a legitimate checkpoint.

So why is the president doing this? I suspect that he's attempting to placate his xenophobic, borderline-racist base, which cares about nothing except getting its way. (In fairness, he may personally believe this, but that's beside the point.)

Remember the five-week government shutdown that began right around Christmas? That wouldn't have even happened had he not been egged on by right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter, who claimed that he was caving on the border wall. And since Coulter's audience has a sizable number of Trump supporters, the vast majority of who refuse to accept defeat under any circumstances, he was almost obliged to keep the charade going. (To remain in power, any politician needs people who will agree with him.)

In the end, of course, he didn't get funding for that wall. And in negotiations that took place afterwards and facing a deadline of today, he still didn't get it, so now he's declaring a constitutionally-dubious "national emergency."

The bigger issue, however, is how many evangelicals not only have fallen for this hack but still worship him. Promise to overturn Roe v. Wade and they're bowing before him (never mind his lack of character, his broken promises and his trashing of Biblical norms, for which they'd criticize a Democrat in a New York minute). I would think that a group of people who understand the insidiousness of sin would be more cynical about people once they get into office and understanding the give-and-take of the political process.

At this juncture we're talking about a full-scale assault on the Constitution, specifically "separation of powers." That's why we likely won't see any kind of wall anytime soon, if ever, during Trump's administration because it would likely be tied up in court.

I heard recently that, while Trump cannot but lose this battle, he's engaging it because "He's a fighter" -- read: He'll be a martyr victimized by, among others, the political left and the "deep state." But in fact, this was a fight that he was bound to lose, especially going up against Nancy Pelosi, once again Speaker of the House, who knows how to chew him up and spit him out.

And if and when -- I'm banking on the latter -- that happens, we should see how foolish it was for us to place our trust in him or anyone else except God.


Skeeter Hicks said...

As I recall Rick, President Obama stepped on the Constitution several times especially when it came to the enforcement of the so called ACA law In fact he postponed implementation of the ACA 28 times. So don't give us this bull crap about Trump stamping on the Constitution as being the only one to do it. By the way he can call an emergency because the congress gave the POTUS the power to do it. It seems that by your objection to a barrier that you want illegal immigration and drug traffic and human sex slaves to come freely into the this country. By the way I believe that you should rename your commentary as common leftist propaganda. That is how I see it. For the record I do not worship Trump as you seem to worship ANY democrat such as Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

BlueDeacon said...

Not buying that. One, when it came to the ACA Obama had dozens of hearings on it and allowed dozens of amendments, and Republicans STILL voted against it because, as one senator put it, they were virtually required to oppose anything he proposed simply because HE proposed it. Two, the wall is only a vanity to show that Trump did something; it's well-established that folks trying to get into the country tunnel underneath the walls that already exist, around two dozen near San Diego alone IIRC, and the large drug bust that took place a couple of weeks ago was at a checkpoint.

Oh, yes, you do worship Trump. I want to hear you call him out the same way you would any Democrat; then I'll know that you're serious. (FWIW, the Democrats you mention don't act the way he does.)