The New York Times is reporting that President Trump has
said that he wants to overturn the Johnson Amendment, enacted during the 1960s,
that disallows churches from being active directly in the electoral process at
the risk of their tax exemptions.
If this actually happens, I hope to God that church bodies would
still remain outside of partisan politics.
In fact, the only thing the amendment actually does is to
keep churches from endorsing or opposing, including working directly for or
against, specific candidates — that’s all, and any other interpretation is simply
Many Christians believe that the law keeps them from
speaking out on social or moral issues. They haven’t been to my church because
that’s happened occasionally there, and most other evangelical churches do. In
fact, much of the social action that has taken place over the past 40 years has
come from churches, and few complain about that. Further, occasionally pastors
have endorsed candidates from the pulpit (this is seen mostly in
African-American churches, which often lean Democratic).
The real danger here is when churches and Christian leaders
start saying “God endorses (or opposes) _________” when in fact He’s much
bigger than that. On top of that, they often give the wrong impression that, to
be a Christian, you have to believe X politically, never mind one’s personal
relationship with God. Such groups tend to cherry-pick Bible verses to use as
prooftexts for their respective positions.
Even worse, if a church does become politically involved to
that extent doing so threatens its true mission — to bear witness to an unseen
world. It should seek to live by alternative Kingdom values in a world that not
only doesn’t agree with but even opposes them, and to think that such Kingdom
values would ever be accepted, let alone become dominant, in a fallen world
makes absolutely no theological sense — in such a scenario the Christian faith by
necessity becomes watered-down.
Yes, that’s right. Liberal.
The scuttling of the Johnson Amendment is seen as a sop to
the “religious right,” which has always sought religious privilege. But if it
wins this battle it cannot win the war — for the souls of men. And women.
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